About our Safeguarding Consultant

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Nichola McKay

Hi, I’m Nichola and I previously worked as the Safeguarding Lead for a Russell Group University for over 16 years.

In this role I was responsible for developing and implementing many policies and procedures, as well as liaising with multiple Government Departments. Some of these are highlighted below;

Development of the University’s safeguarding arrangements which included the policy and accompanying codes, a risk assessment tool, eSafety guidance, online training videos, the policy on Photographing, Filming and Audio Recording, and the Privacy Notice etc.

I developed an online ‘Safeguarding Hub’ which was split into sections for different user groups and included how-to guides as a central resource for managers, counter-signatories and staff/students who work with children and adults at risk. The hub contained information on safer recruitment practices, safeguarding concerns, the process for requesting criminal history checks, registering with AccessNI and referrals to the Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) for barring decisions.

Provided face to face safeguarding/criminal history/legislative advice, guidance, briefing sessions and training for the 23 University Schools, the 9 Directorates and each individual unit/department that worked with children and/or adults at risk or requested criminal history checks. This included Sport, the Admissions and Access Service, the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Reboot (the internet café), the Widening Participation Unit, overnight summer schools, Accommodation, Disability and Wellbeing, People and Culture, Social Work and research activities involving children etc.

Identified actions to be taken to ensure that the University remained compliant with new legislation in relation to criminal history checks and safeguarding children and adults at risk.

Set up an online Safeguarding Network with over 90 members to communicate safeguarding updates and I arranged events to reward our network members for their commitment to safeguarding.

Developed a Dealing with Criminal History Disclosures policy, guidance document and risk assessment tool.

Developed an internal audit programme to measure legislative and policy compliance and to encourage best practice. I provided action plans and reports to the Schools/Directorates and provided audit summary reports to senior managers.

Liaised with Government Departments [Department of Health and Social Services, AccessNI (Department of Justice) and the Home Office] as required and represented the University at the Department of Health’s Education Stakeholders’ Forum and AccessNI’s Stakeholder Forum. I also drafted responses to, and represented the University at, government consultations on safeguarding and the criminal records regime.